
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Science and Technology

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Is this father ICT? ( Info Communications Technology ) One word that often appears in the world of science in movies, novels and comics are "Mad" (Crazy), for example, we often hear the "Mad Scientist". But as the word 'hate' was appointed as an abbreviation for 'totally in love', 'crazy' is singaktan to 'enterprising lankah'. If we invoke something extraordinary we are often called crazy, the things that could be a first step to something that could change the lifestyle of people around the world, for example, electric lights, telephones, etc.. Without the crazy way we can not fast forward!.
Science is science like other sciences continue to add knowledge from research by a disciplined and diligent. But the progress of science often comes from the idea from the beginning considered crazy. We must be brave and confident, and remember that we may fail in the 1000 time trial events, but we just need to succeed once, and our ideas are proven.
Science and technology have become embedded into any lifestyle and modern life, even more importantly for students, and the demands in our professional lives, learning science and develop science and technology skills are now more important than ever.
The importance of communication skills can be evidenced by glancing through the newspapers / newspaper. Most job vacancies for key positions always require technology. Even while it was important for Indonesian students to government efforts to boost foreign investment in Indonesia.
The knowledge and skills of science and technology allow us to enter various professions, however, not accompanied by the development of the skills of personal creativity itself becomes meaningless, and not by itself guarantee a bright future or a personal career development is certain

Science and technology is an appropriate means to develop creativity, including developing skills in problem solving (problem solving). In connection with the modern teaching practice, contextual learning (in Indonesia known as CLT) so students can work individually, in pairs or in groups. Process of sharing and receiving constructive feedback is an important part of our personal development. The photo above we can see a few things wrong. Our question: how many things that you can see the wrong in the picture? (large photo available)

Exchange opinions and knowledge is not only confined to school or office. Equally important is that we in the global community of science and technology to exchange information with the wider community both within the country and with the world.
On this website we provide an opportunity to discuss issues related to science and technology, post a link to the site of science and technology, or mamasang information regarding the development of science and technology.

3 Energy Technology Innovation In The Future

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Academics and researchers continue to search for technological innovation to continue to sustain human lifestyle continues to evolve with a more green, and current innovations have emerged that show an optimistic hope for the future of a greener loh. Want to know what innovation is? let's see the top 3 below.

Source : Tree Hugger

1. Power Energy Wave

Innovative energy technologies present considerable potential as an alternative energy is the energy of wave power. Wave power equally important and berpotensinya with wind and solar energy only the frequency of appearance of fewer than wind and solar. One example is a company that has been running a company called Ocean Power Technologies (OPT). Energy generated by the OPT wave power by using a product called the PowerBuoy, which works by converting ocean waves into electricity. The PowerBuoy has been tested for its effectiveness in the Pacific and the Atlantic.

Source : Tree Hugger

2. Massive Wind Turbine

Applications wind turbines to generate electricity has long applied as an alternative energy source. This wind turbine size has now reached a fairly massive scale, the size of the turbine rotor is not only because of the aesthetic value but increasing the size of the rotor then the capacity of the energy produced will be greater. One example can be seen massive wind turbines on wind turbines manufactured by a company that was once known for its mobilephonenya, Siemens.

Source :  Tree Hugger

3. Residential solar PV can be installed quickly

One of the constraints of lack of widespread application of solar panels by the public is still quite complicated installation of solar panels in residential areas, although the majority of the price of solar panels themselves are quite affordable but installation costs are still quite high. One example of a simple solar panel for installation on the production of the company is based in Tucson United States named Solon. Solon manufactures solar panels with a standardized bracket until officers were able to install the solar panel installation on the roof of the house in less than a day, which would certainly reduce installation costs and can increase the public's interest in residential solar panels.

Habibie confident Indonesia could develop aerospace technology

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Former President BJ. Habibie (left) in the dialog
Red and White at his residence in Patra Kuningan area,
Jakarta, Wednesday (7/3). (AFP PHOTO / Rosa Panggabean)

 “ Currently, no need to blame one another “

Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Former President of the Republic of Indonesia and former Minister of Research and Technology BJ Habibie, Indonesia believes that young people are able to develop aerospace technologies in the future.
"The human resources of the Indonesian nation was able to develop aerospace technologies. Proof existing N250 aircraft that can be produced and it was not a dream," said BJ Habibie was interrupted by a visit in Taman Pintar Yogyakarta on Wednesday.
According to him, the development of aerospace technology in the country is very important because it will be able to connect the distance between the islands in the country far enough.
What's more, he added, the growth of airline passengers in Indonesia in the last 10 years so rapidly that it has been proved that Indonesia as an archipelagic country needs an airplane.
"Right now, no need to blame one another. Thing to do now is fight for aerospace technology can be further developed in Indonesia," he said.
BJ Habibie has now set up a company, PT Regio Aviation Industries (RAI) to be engaged in the business of making the first private aircraft in Indonesia. In the enterprise, BJ Habibie has served as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
The company was established in collaboration with two other private companies, namely, PT Ilhabi Ilham Akbar Habibie Rekatama property that will hold a 51 percent stake, and PT Eagle Capital owned property Erry Firmansyah that holds the 49 percent stake.
The plan, the employees of the company are former employees of PT Dirgantara Indonesia who decided to come home from abroad plus the nation who recently graduated from the manufacture of aircraft.
The first project to be done is to "turn on" the back plane N250 once created BJ Habibie and was the star in the class of aircraft propellers.
Aircraft N250 was aired for the first time on August 10, 1995 and was purchased by a number of countries. Due to the economic crisis in 1997, the plane seemed to disappear.
BJ Habibie aware, to revive the aerospace technology in Indonesia is not an easy task because this time, PT Dirgantara Indonesia only has about 3,000 employees.
"Aircraft industry has been dissolved, and nothing else that promote strategic industries, plus the lack of legislation to protect domestic production," he said.
He hoped the government could invest in the company through PT DI, a number of educational institutions and also Puspitek.
Besides going to redesign N250, the company will also develop super jet N2130.

Source :

5 Design the Future City Spectacular Scale Advanced Technology in the World

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Free wi-fi everywhere, streets dedicated to free-flowing public transport, cars are banned, and there is no waste or carbon emissions - but while this may sound like a far-future city, they've been here.
Masdar city, just a few miles from the Middle East Abu Dhabi's economic powerhouse, will be fully operational by 2020 and plans to recycle most of the water. It also would ban cars 'gas-guzzling', which will be replaced with an underground transport system operated by battery.

Similar ecological moves taking place in China, where Dezhou in the north of the country has created 'solar valley' with street lights and swimming pools heated by the sun and 80 percent of buildings with solar water heaters.


    Gleaming: Masdar City in Abu Dhabi 

    The Shard, London: London Bridge Tower 

   Sochi Olylmpic Stadium, Russia

Source :

Prepare Indonesia The Future of Communication Technology?

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Basically, tenologi communication is always oriented toward the future. Why is that? Technology, whatever it is always looking for new ways to develop, and to open up new loopholes Bargi subsequent innovations. Technology, not the technology that would be otherwise completely open land for repairs. Because the technology dasranya created for the benefit, convenience, and satisfaction of human life, and because humans are never satisfied dasranya, then teknologipun ultimately always trying to develop.
So if we have to talk about development, we also talked about the future orientation. Technology has always been regarded as something futuristic, something that is aimed at the future, something which we can not meet in the present, only in the future. The world of entertainment, especially movies, often describing the future with the majority of gray millennium, which all touch screen based, we will not find a wall of bricks, but of glass that, when touched these features will appear unimaginable before.
The future of communication technology is actually not something that is too hard to imagine. Perhaps the point is illustrated by popular media that the future will be based on a touch screen, is true. Have you ever heard of Corning Incorporated? A company engaged in manufacturing and glass manufacturing and applied technology. Corning, making the world terperanjak with the video which he launched in 2011, then titled A Day Made of Glass. This video provides an overview of where the future is a world dominated by the contents thin interactive glass surfaces, which can be found everywhere in our lives, since we get up until we go back to our respective rooms and slept.
Interactive glass which meant we could use as a means of communication: we can send a text message, email, and so forth through it, and there was glass everywhere around you: in your bathroom, on your bedroom wall, your car dashboard, and even the outside of the building as office buildings. The interesting thing about the video that launched Corning is that vision of the future so that they describe the A Day Made of Glass is something that is in-progress, something they're working on innovation now, and trying to actually present them in real life in a few years. There are so many aspects that are influenced by the development of technology toward futuristic. As mentioned previously, communication course, and then called also the world of health, education, entertainment, transportation, and even the world of agriculture and agriculture, and many other aspects.
Researchers in Finland, as reported by Futurist Magazine, is developing Supersizing Microscope. Supersizing miskroskop microscope is connected with the existing, and will display the sample is in miskroskop. The advantages of the display screen is a large display, with a minimum size of 46 inches, maximizing the touch screen capabilities, sehuingga sample researchers can zoom in and zoom out overview of the existing sample, similar to how we zoom in on the Ipad. The development is believed to facilitate the process of research scientists.
While in the field of entertainment, an innovation that could no doubt. Latest innovation is the development of 3-D mobile phone. Researchers at the Fraunhofer
Institute for Telecommunications in Berlin was trying to realize the dream of movie lovers so that they can better enjoy the films they love. The researchers promises viewing experience is not too different than in the movies, in terms of 3-D technology that will provide absolutely the same as those in the cinema, the difference will only exist on the media: that a great sailing and we had far-away to the cinema, and one sailing for the mobile phone screen and does not require us to go all the way to the movies.
 Indonesia's economy for Future Technologies
Then how the opportunity of Indonesia in the future of communication technology? As a nation with a massive number of people, and what's more, with a stretch of economic and social status of different, there are many views on the future of communication technology and the success of its application in Indonesia, so it can not be equated.
If we talk of the economy, the people who are in the upper middle structure in the economic and social life, of course they are the ones who will be able and capable of implementing the future of communications technology, if the future is something that is shaped goods and to obtain necessary sacrifice in the form of money. But if we are talking about people whose lives are on the line between the middle to the bottom, then their chances to make the same sacrifice, certainly much smaller.
If judging from the history of consumerism Indonesian community, the whole community a chance to enjoy the development of communication technology, it is very large. We know exactly how the smartphone is becoming a trend in this country in recent years. Mention also the gadgets are touch screen. The point, in fact the people of Indonesia, regardless of the economic status, have great attention to technology.
The problem is now live how we sort out the technology and its development. The technology basically created to make life easy for us. Whatever and however the future of technology will bring man, it should still not be forgotten the original purpose of the technology itself, which is to simplify our lives, rather than destroy.

Source :

SmartCard technology and Dreams for the Future

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Card technology whether it be credit cards, ATM cards and GSM mobile phones, today is no longer the monopoly of the public in big cities, but also has expanded into smaller cities and even rural areas. This card growth both in the number of users and the technology itself is really sped up very quickly. One of the many technologies that are implemented in different types of cards are SmartCard technology.

When talking about smart cards, of course you are talking about a small chip that has been programmed to handle certain functions and to store information that is implanted in your card. In general, there are three models developed in the smart card industry in the world today, namely:
PC / SC: Developed by Microsoft and several other companies. PC / SC smart card application is an interface for communication with a PC-based smart card from Win32.

OpenCard Framework: is an open standard that provides interoperability between smart card applications through NC, POS, desktops, laptops, set top boxes, and so on. OpenCard should normally be used in communication with external devices and / or use a library that is in the client. In addition, OpenCard also provides an interface to the PC / SC to be used for Win32-based devices.

JavaCard: first introduced by Schlumberger and is used as a standard for Software Java Card today. Schlumberger also just use the Java card is the only card that is currently marketed, as well as the first company that has licensed the JavaCard the standard ISO 7816.

Smart card is different from Magnetic Card are also quite widely used in the attendance card applications in offices and so forth, but it has some advantages in terms of reliability, the ability to store information that hundreds of times more, more difficult to forge. Smartcard is quite easy to be programmed, so it allows for further development in the application. Nevertheless, technology hardware itself is not expanding rapidly and tends to be static

Figure 1. The standard size and components SmartCard

The standard size of a SmartCard specified by ISO7816. If you look carefully when buying a new GSM card, then you will see that there are two components that you may observe that his own smartcard and smartcard substrate plastic that keep it from damage before use. Physical characteristics of smart card based standard ISO 7816 you can see in some applications such as credit cards, ATM cards, and so on like Figure 2.

Figure 2. Physical Characteristics of a SmartCard

Normally, a smart card does not have a power supply, display, or keyboard. Smart card interacts with the outside world using serial communication interface through the eight points of contact or the contact point there.

Figure 3. Eight points of contact with the outside world

The emergence of this technology, paving the way for the emergence of the widest card-based applications are more complex and integrated with each other's lives. So far as we know card technology in applications ranging from ATM machines, credit cards, GSM cards, and so on.

But has also developed an application where you just need a card just for all the applications you want to access.

One application that has been developed is a Travel Card. Using the Travel Card, you do not need a ticket when it comes to traveling by using aircraft, when using the phone at the airport, book a car at the destination airport shuttle, electronic payments in several shopping malls, and hotel room reservations.

Gambar 4. Aplikasi Travel Card

Using the Travel Card, you no longer need to take care of your needs for traveling abroad, for example, because it is only using one card, you may as well take care, airline tickets, car pool, and the hotel room when you want tempati.Bahkan you, want to contact your family in other parts of the world, this card is changed into a phone card, and do not forget you can buy souvenirs using this card.

Nevertheless, there are other applications that also attract the Student Card. Using this card, a student or teacher will get a lot of ease. When I was in the cafeteria, students or faculty can use this card as a payment card when re-registration, payment of fees or semester pendek.Disamping cards are used primarily for student ID card or student card.

As an identity card, this card can be used as an access card security when students entered the lab, even as attendance card when entering the classroom. In addition the card can be used as a phone card and shopping card at the supermarket or cooperative campus ..

Imagine if similar systems are integrated in a giant system of interconnected, it is certain that the system will reach the entire community to the level of a small household.

By adding additional components such as Card Reader households, Flexibility SmartCard increasingly feel the benefits. Through a Set-Top Box is connected to the Internet which is equipped with a Smart Card Reader, you do not have far to shop, book movie tickets, book a queue to see a doctor, hotel reservation, and thousands of other applications. When SmartCard becomes an identity card and a representative yourself, then perhaps the value of the card is almost equal to the value yourself. You can use just a card just in Schools, shopping centers, airports, stations, office, and in all the places where you are.

Figure 5. Just a few examples of applications illustrate the integration of course, but in fact a system with a very complete application can be described again, but due to space limitation, only a few applications that can be displayed.

Figure 5. The integration of smart card applications in the household

Indonesia Greatness That Make Malaysia, Australia and Singapore Worry

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

This momentum must be kept and improved as the pride of their own technological capabilities. Do not let the work of Indonesia's engineers just do not get derailed by Indonesia itself. This is the real enemy. Beware comrades Indonesian engineers.
Although already lasted 2 weeks ago, RX-420 rocket launch Lapan was still to be the talk. Surprisingly not be the talk of the Indonesian Presidential Election happier story, but in Australia, Singapore and of course in the neighboring countries like torture TKI and muter-muterin Ambalat namely Malaysia.
As is known rocket RX-420 uses a propellant to provide thrust than needed, up to 4 times the speed of sound. It makes cruising power reaches 100 km. It could even reach 190 km when the structure of the rocket can be made lighter. Who have a high added value is 100% of the nation's children, the engineers Indonesia. Similarly, all components of ballistic rockets and control developed in the country, including the software. Only the microprocessor subsystem components are still imported. Budget spent for the launch was "only" $ 1 billion. Far less corrupted by the members of the House of Representatives for winning Miranda Gultom traveler checks as Senior Deputy Governor of BI is more than Rp. 50 billion. Especially when compared to the corruption BLBI more than Rp. 700 trillion.
Why even be talked about in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia? Due to the success of Indonesia's rocket launch in the future will bring Indonesia to promote and deliver satellites Indonesia named Nano Satellite far as 3600 km into the sky. Indonesia's satellite will be located at an altitude of 300 km and a speed of 7.8 km per second. When this is accomplished Indonesia will be a country that can fly its own satellites with homemade products. Indonesia will thus enter the member "Asian Satellite Club" along with China, North Korea, India and Iran.
Well worry Australia, Singapore and Malaysia makes sense, does not it? If Indonesia is able to push up to 3600 km satellite for peaceful purposes or purposes of all kinds depending on the agreement of the people of Indonesia. Then automatically mock job for Indonesia to be able to launch the rocket as far as 190 km for military purposes would be very threatening to them at this very moment too!!! If space launch placed in Batam or Bintan, then Singapore and West Malaysia are going to get a rocket shook Indonesia. And if deployed along the border in Kalimantan Indonesia with East Malaysia, then the OKB Malaysia would never think ngerampok Ambalat.
Be it Australia, they have a sense of fear as well. That myth was an enemy of the Indonesia's north is not just a myth but it is a real threat in the near future.
CN 235 Military Version
Apparently Australia, Singapore and Malaysia have long "nyaho" greatness Indonesian engineers. The proof? Not only trepidation with RX-420 rocket Lapan but they are now looking at further development of the Military CN235 version made by PT. DI. Also look at the development of PT. PAL is ready and able to make the submarine origin can full trust and support from the government.
If economists Indonesia World Bank and IMF partners called aircraft made by PT. DI is overpriced and investment suck too much ("only" Rp. 30 trillion for the total infrastructure, human resources, etc.) and just finished toys BJ Habibie. But why South Korea and Turkey admire him half to death? Turkey and South Korea are loyal users CN 235 is mainly a military version as the best in its class. Innovation 40 Indonesian engineers at CN 235 military version is the addition of armor like a missile and radar technology that can detect and disable submarines. So if enough Ambalat escort plus one course CN235 military version (in addition to the fleet of the Navy and the Marines were there) to drive submarines and other warships Malaysia.
Well, so the real enemy in Indonesia alone. That is the nature of Indonesian people who does not want to see Indonesia's own work.
The work of Indonesian engineers are great at making weaponry was told the Indonesia itself, especially the economists pro U.S. and Europe: "Mending buy direct from the United States and Europe because it is cheaper." They do not think ahead how Indonesia will continue to depend on technology, Indonesia will only be consumers of technology is very expensive to pay continuously until the end of the world arrives.
If there are deficiencies that occur with the work of the nation's industry alone, should be judged more fairly and promptly fixed together. For example, marketing experts or scholars of economics should be included in the team work. So the engineers were not only clever production of an aircraft but at least know how to sell a plane different from selling a Honda Jazz. If there are obstacles in procuring export credit as a form of payment, please solved and supported by the banking sector, in order to sell their own products could be optimal because it will appeal to prospective foreign buyers who can pay cash.