
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

25 Predictions for the Future of Technology

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

By 2020 Cisco predicts that for the price of Rp 10 million worth of computers already have the capacity of a human brain. And in 2030, the computer has the ability to balance the brain of the human family village.

Dave Evans, Chief Futurist Cisco IBSG Innovations Practice makes predictions of the top 25 technologies that will occur in the future. The following predictions:

1. In 2029, 11 petabytes of storage to store DVD quality video to be played during the
600 years of continuous, 24 hours a day. It costs about U.S. $ 100 (Rp.950 thousand).

2. For 10 years, we could see an increase in the speed of the Internet computer network home by 20-fold.

3. At the present time, a worldwide network of data menstranfer exabite over 9 per month,
whereas in 2013, the wireless network traffic will reach 400 petabite per month.

4. At the end of 2010, will be a billion transistors per person, each transistor tenth of a millionth of a cent has a price.

5. Internet will evolve into a means of communication that instance, regardless of distance.

6. In mid-2020, will be the first commercially available quantum computer.

7. In 2020, for U.S. $ 1000 computer will have a capacity equivalent to the brain humans.

8. In 2030, for U.S. $ 1000 computer will have the ability to balance the the ability of the human brain a village.

9. In 2050, assuming that the number of people on earth 9 billion worth of computers U.S. $ 1000, will have a capacity equal to the sum of human brain in earth.

10. For a while now we can know 5% of what we know of the next 50 years. That is, in 50 years, 95% of what we know will be found in previous years.

11. The world's data will increase six-fold in the next two years, while corporate data will increase 50-fold.

12. In 2015, Google will mengidex about 775 billion pages of content.

13. By 2015, we will create the equivalent of 92.5 million Libraries of U.S. Congres in a year.

14. In the year 2020 throughout the world, each person on average will store personal data 130 terabytes (now an average of only 128 gigabytes).

15. In 2015, movie downloads and file sharing peer-to-peer will soar to 100 exabytes,
it's the equivalent of 5 million U.S. Libraries of Congress.

16. By 2015, video communication will be much more widespread, generating 400 exabytes of data traffic or the equivalent of 20 million Libraries of Congress.

17. In 2015, the traffic generated by the phone, web, email, photos and music will burst, and
reach 50 exabytes.

18. Within 2 years, the information on the Internet will double every 11 hours.

19. In 2010, 35 billion devices will be connected to the internet (almost six devices per person
in the world).

20. In 2020, more than the human devices online.

21. With IPv6, there will be enough IP addresses for every star in the known universe for each has 4.8 trillion IP addresses.

22. In 2020, a universal language translator will be commonplace in every device.

23. In the next 5 years, any surface can become a display.

24. In 2025, the rate of particle teleportation will begin to occur.

25. In 2030, planting artificial brain can already be implemented.

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